Emergency Expenditures Related to Covid-19

DLS has provided guidance related to emergency expenditures related to Covid-19.
The Law allows the incurring of a liability without an appropriation for emergency expenditures
In order to pay the invoices for emergency expenditures, each Selectboard will need to make a request to the Director of Accounts
Our recommendation is as follows:
1. Read the DLS Bulletin on the link below
DLS Guidance – Emergency Expenditures Related to Covid-19
2. Develop an estimated amount to be expended for emergency purposes
Submit the request to the Director of Accounts for approval (If the expenses are anticipated to exceed the initial amount approved, you will need an additional approval from the Director of Accounts)
3. This approval will allow the Town Accountant to pay the invoices as they are submitted
4. We will set up separate account numbers to track these expenditures.

We really appreciate the privilege of serving as your Town Accountants.

Please contact me with questions.

Stay safe and well,


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